Anka Labs: IoT-BAS Summit

Making Smart Buildings Even Smarter!

Demonstrating Anka Labs Products & Services to the Global Community

... and more! 

Join the Anka Labs IoT Revolution! August 26-27-28, 2020

Learn all about cutting edge IoT and Building Automation Services from the world’s leading experts!   

Commercial buildings rely on an array of devices to control services including HVAC, lighting, physical security, energy, and other mechanical systems that ensure the facility operates to the needs of the occupants and building owners. These systems are commonly known as BAS (Building Automation Systems). For 30 years, these systems have relied on DDC (Direct Digital Controllers) as the primary class of edge computing devices, typically 8-bit processors networked on low-bandwidth serial networks that are adequate for their needs.

In recent years, there is a growing pressure for BAS to use IT-based technologies from Ethernet networks, Internet Protocol (IP), WiFi networks, open-source software, big data methodologies, and analytics. Initial uses of these were mainly by the on-premise PCs typically found in control rooms, engineer offices and gateway devices that translate DDC device information into more useful IT-centric data norms.

Through the continuation of Moore’s Law, smaller and smaller devices provide ample power and robustness to be used in lieu of DDCs. This, in combination with advancements in powerful open software platforms, is enabling the cost-effective development of a new class of devices that we call EAC (Edge Analytics Controllers).

Our experts will be sharing their years of knowledge, strategies, and tactics.  Choose the topics you'd like to follow and we'll keep you up to date with its content, expert advice, and exclusive offers.

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Unlike physical conferences where you can end up sitting through the content you just don't need, Anka Labs's IoT-BAS Summit is delivered entirely online. Dip in and watch the specific talks you need to transform your business or catch them all. It’s up to you!

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With experts, the tactics you need are just a click away

Our experts will be sharing their years of knowledge, strategies, and tactics. If you’re focused on learning more about IoT, sign up today for your free ticket!

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Join the Anka Labs IoT Revolution! August 26-27-28, 2020

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Building Owners and Managers

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